When my workshop group was here (a month ago-I can't believe it!) several of them asked if I had considered doing a book. I replied I didn't want to do a "how to" but that I would like to do a book of images. I even went so far as to download the Blurb software about a year ago but never got beyond that. So, Lisa McShane suggested that I needed a virtual assistant. What a great idea- me here in the wilds of northeast Texas and he/she who knows where!
So a week or so later I Googled "virtual assistant" and came up with pages of listings including whole groups devoted to promoting their members. Who knew?! After a little looking around I found someone with the skills I thought I needed and a few emails later-voila! Virtual Margie (I kid you not) and I were ready to start working on the new project.
So, this is the cover. The book will have about 25 images - mostly paintings but also some drawings- and some text which will be largely taken from posts over the last couple of years on this blog. I wanted to include some of my writing about art, art history, poetry, and my work. Sadly, I wasn't able to get permission to reprint some of my favorite poems, so those will be missing.
We are nearing the finish line with the project. I hope to have it done in the next week or so and definitely by the time I leave for Telluride in late June.
Speaking of virtual things, I have posted the summer and fall schedule of online classes here.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend!