Here a shot from the entrance to the studio. The two tables on the left are 48 x 48 each and I couldn't live without them. Right now they are covered with printmaking stuff.

Here's a closer look at the library area. Steve calls it the "employee lounge"-that's his coffee pot on the table.

This is the the main painting area. My Hughes easels, the taboret, and the work tables are all on wheels so things can be moved around pretty easily when the students get here.

Here's some storage and additional bookshelves, and you can see the Constable Closet (for large canvases) on the left.

Looking back toward the north side of the studio, I have counter space and storage under the north facing windows.

Here's another shot of that. One of the projects on tap is a flat file which will go to the right of the cabinets.