10 x 10
Private Collection
Friday I drove over to a small town about 60 miles north of Dallas to judge an art show at the local art center. It turned out to be a very enjoyable experience- I was impressed with the facility, the staff, the artists and patrons and their passion for bringing the arts to this community. About 7:30 I started home- the full moon was rising over the fields of north Texas and I was anticipating the drive home at my favorite time of the day.
Then a pickup truck headed in the opposite direction did a U turn and pulled out right in front of me. I swerved, avoiding hitting him broadside, struck a glancing blow to his front bumper, flew off the road, mowed down a road sign, careened down an embankment, through a barb wire fence and into a pasture. It was all over in a few seconds but its amazing how many thoughts go through your mind in that short period of time-most of them fairly grim. When I finally came to rest in the pasture, my first thought was how surprised I was to find myself still holding onto the wheel and ok, albeit sitting in a front seat covered in glass (the sign had flipped up over the hood, smashed the windshield and then the sunroof). Cade, the other driver, an eighteen year old on his way to high school graduation, was also ok. The story could have ended much differently- I could have broadsided him, or the sign could have hit the windshield six inches lower and ended up in the front seat with me, or my car could have rolled. But, as it happened, Cade will pick up his diploma and head off to ag(ricultural) college in the fall and I was in my studio this morning- counting my blessings.
Then a pickup truck headed in the opposite direction did a U turn and pulled out right in front of me. I swerved, avoiding hitting him broadside, struck a glancing blow to his front bumper, flew off the road, mowed down a road sign, careened down an embankment, through a barb wire fence and into a pasture. It was all over in a few seconds but its amazing how many thoughts go through your mind in that short period of time-most of them fairly grim. When I finally came to rest in the pasture, my first thought was how surprised I was to find myself still holding onto the wheel and ok, albeit sitting in a front seat covered in glass (the sign had flipped up over the hood, smashed the windshield and then the sunroof). Cade, the other driver, an eighteen year old on his way to high school graduation, was also ok. The story could have ended much differently- I could have broadsided him, or the sign could have hit the windshield six inches lower and ended up in the front seat with me, or my car could have rolled. But, as it happened, Cade will pick up his diploma and head off to ag(ricultural) college in the fall and I was in my studio this morning- counting my blessings.
Wow! I have to say that I was riveted as I read your entry. What started off as a nice serene story took a sudden turn--no pun intended. I'm sorry to hear this happened in the first place, but so glad you are okay.
As always you posted a beautiful piece of work.
Thank you for sharing!
Gosh, Deborah, what a thing to have happened. So glad you and the other driver are all right. It’s situations like this that really makes one appreciate life with all of it’s quirks and warts…. and puts everything back into perspective…. isn’t it.
Phew, glad you're OK, and hope the kid knows how lucky he is! Today's painting is lovely.
Just so happy that you are OK Deborah. Are you still feeling sore? Cade was indeed a lucky boy.
Thank God you are both ok. Experiences like that can rattle us for weeks to come. Do take care. Love you! Robin
Thank God you are both ok. Experiences like that can rattle us for weeks to come. Do take care. Love you! Robin
Thank God for your quick wit, and all is well. Except your poor car.
We had someone roll over in a small sedan on our road 2 weeks ago. He did just fine, and I have to say that seat belts are a great tool.
Now we get to enjoy more of your posts, indelible (valuable, meaningful and beautiful) artwork, and you!
You are blessed with some wonderful angels. I am very glad you are okay, as is Cade.
Beautiful painting.
Good grief! Thank goodness you and the kid are o.k. Hope it was a huge learning lesson for Cade, and that the car damage will be fully covered and not too inconvenient. Take care! Sara
I'm glad you're okay. God must be watching out for we artists. I had a similar experience when I was an art student driving to university on what turned out to be a highway of ice. A van spun out in front of me. I did all I could to avoid getting hit from the van while avoiding getting hit from those cars behind me. The van and I did collide with my car being nearly totaled, but no pile up behind us.
yikes! Glad to hear you're okay. It's healthy once in a while to be reminded how lucky we are to be alive.
Thanks Goodness you're okay! You had the presence of mind to swerve and avoid a terrible accident. Your guardian angel must have been working overtime.
OH deborah, that must have been so scary. thank goodness you both survived it, but what a fright. by the way beautiful painting you posted...so serene.
Deborah...so thankful you are both alive and well.
Wow! What a dramatic post to re-enter on. Glad you're both ok but holy mackerel, what a ride! Love the painting... I'm going to have to look through your recent posts (while I've been away) to see what I've missed!
Once again you have shared with us a beautiful painting.
I am glad that both you and Cade are going to be fine. I would suggest that you pay attention to any soreness or pain that seems out of place-it is possible that something such as whiplash doesn't manifest itself at first. . It does seem from your account that he wasn't paying attention-...."did a U turn and pulled out right in front. of me ... i guess that is the difference between someone who has been driving for a while and a fairly new driver. Again I am glad that you both are OK but Cade needs a refresher course. Hopefully I do not come across as an old codger but there are far too many accidents caused by a driver not paying attention and/or being in a rush. Take care
Thank you everyone for your well wishes and concern- I really appreciate it! I am fine- a little bit of a headache on Saturday, but just fine really. Although the adjuster for the insurance company was just here and my headache may be coming back!
But, still counting my blessings.
Wow...what a terrifying experience! But, what a blessing it turned out as it did and not worse! That painting is beautiful, too.
Wow. Very glad things turned out all right!
I am so very glad you are all right!
On the same day this happened to you, my niece had a similar accident.
Taylor turned 16 the saturday before.
On saturday morning, rushing home on a rain slick morning to see her Mother, she flipped her car 3 to 4 times.
She totaled the car - but only had glass in her leg!
We are so lucky- The state patrol said she would have been killed.
Very glad to hear you're OK.
I'm sure it gave Steve quite a scare when he found out.
Cade behind the wheel of farm machinery...there's a scary thought!
Someone drove a machine through a quaint English village that was designed to spray liquid manure over a wide area.
Of course they had forgotton to turn it off first.
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