I am back home and taking a day or two to decompress before getting back to the studio. The long drive home gave me plenty of time to mull over the events of the last 10 days. One of the things I love about doing this show is that it gives me the opportunity to talk directly with potential buyers. I have learned over the years that listening to them can provide very valuable feedback.
Here are a few things always make an impression on me:
~ Go Where the Collectors Are- this show works because it is held in a "destination" venue which attracts affluent visitors and second home owners.
~Listen For the Buyer's Reaction to the Work- current thinking about "permission marketing" encourages us to tell potential buyers "stories" about ourselves and the work. What I have found is that if someone approaches my work with obvious interest (oohhs and ahhs and pointing are always good indications) then they already have a "story" in their head about the painting. It is my job to find out what that is and support it by what I say, not tell them my story (unless they ask for it).
~PLPO - painting larger pays off
All of these (and more!) are things I discuss in my little book Studio & Business Practices for Successful Artists.
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