Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New Site

Autumn Evening
8 x 12
Available at Albuquerque Museum Miniatures & More

I've just launched a new site devoted to my online classes and workshops. It includes not only class descriptions and schedules, but examples of the demos and instructional videos I use in the classes, resources, and much more. Click on over and take a look!


Janelle Goodwin said...

Great idea, Deborah. I like how everything is in one place. The video is awesome!

Susan Roux said...

Wonderful painting! I'm really drawn to the warm tones. Their so inviting and relaxing...

RUDHI Rüscher said...

Beautiful meditation!

loriann signori said...

Hi Deborah, I like the new site. It makes finding the information clear and concise. On another note, this painting is a serious gem!