40 x 36

I've pulled out all my notes from that weekend long ago and am excited to get started. And I have to say- again- thank you, Hollis.Back in 2004 I spent a weekend in the studio of my friend and mentor Hollis Williford (1940-2007) learning a new medium-etching. Hollis was mostly known as a Prix de West winning sculptor, but he was also a painter (in oil, watercolor and pastel), and etcher. He generously spent a few days showing me the basics of this fascinating medium, one I had been enthralled with since college. After that weekend, my best laid plans to add this medium to my studio were foiled for a variety of reasons. But, the desire remained. I keep a "studio wish list" pinned to the wall in my studio and an etching press has always been on it. Today, I finally marked it off the list!

Can't wait to see what you do with the etching press, Deborah - that's really exciting! I've been reading a lot about Whistler's Venice etchings along with my studies of his pastels from his stay there and it's a really fascinating medium.
I am looking forward to the adventure, Brian!
this is great! I can't wait to see what you put through the press. you might try some monotypes too?!
Thanks Ken. Yes, monotyoes and drypoint too!
That is exciting!
Wonderful news! Cannot wait to see what you create!
It will be fun(frustrating too). I'm looking forward to seeing some of the completed works!
Deborah, I enjoyed reading your bLog - BeautifuL work! Thank you for your generosity in sharing what you know- it is inspiring!
WiLL you share more about your press?
What kind is it and size of bed- how heavy?
Your dry point is LoveLy.
I have Loved the TonaLists since I Learned of them-
I saw a wonderfuL show at the Monterey Museum-
Monterey, CaLifornia in the mid earLy- mid 90's.
I Lived & painted in Big Sur for many years...
I am deLighted to hear about the book- great news!
Cheers to you and your work!
Deborah BLoomer
I have the same press and spent 5 years enthralled with the process.
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