Sunday, August 26, 2012

Morning in the Oak Grove

Morning in the Oak Grove
36 x 48

This is the finished painting. As always, my photography leaves something to be desired. The atmospheric quality of the sky and the distant trees and field just isn't captured in this image. I am hoping for an opportunity to get this one professionally photographed. Steve delivered it to Galerie Kornye West in Ft. Worth last Saturday. Paula Tillman, the gallery owner extraordinaire, called later that afternoon to say it would go out on approval to a client's home on Monday. And this week it sold! It will be hanging at the Fall Gallery Night show on Saturday, September 8 at the gallery, so if you are in the Metro area, stop in and say hello!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Work in Progress - The Oak Grove

It's been hot as a firecracker here in northeast Texas since I got back from Colorado, so Luna and I have been staying in the studio working on paintings for fall exhibitions. This is a 36 x 48 which I wrote about here. I did the underpainting before I left for Colorado. 

Since returning home, I've done a quite a bit of work on it, but there are still many painting sessions to go. One of the challenges has been balancing the amount of information needed for the nearer trees and those in the distance, and of course making sure the sense of atmosphere and mood is not lost.

Here's a detail of the main large tree in the foreground.

And here is Luna- exhausted from a hard day in the studio.