Heading South Oil 20 x 20
This painting is a larger version of one I posted a while back. I have been obsessing about whether this is finished for a week or so now. I think it is now, but maybe not. It is supposed to go to the Panhandle Plains Museum Invitational next month along with two other pieces. And of course, I can't seem to get a good shot of it either- this one had the least glare but still isn't right. The birds in the sky are pretty much impossible to see because of it, but if you enlarge the image you can see them (and understand the title!) There are several layers of glazes and liquin on it at this point and it becomes harder and harder to find an angle that will work- should be interesting to see how they hang it.....
This is a stunner!
Gorgeous work, Deborah! IMHO it looks finished and complete...love the color choices. Good luck with the invitational.
I can understand your frustration with getting a good photo, Deborah. You are dealing in these paintings with such subtle, ephemeral designs and themes that live or die on just a breath of the right color, or the exactness of a saturated value. They are almost minimalist in that regard. I think all of us get frustrated at trying to reproduce the unmistakeable "presence" of the original. But enough is still conveyed here to show that this is a very fine painting.
Thanks Ed and Dean. I appreciate your visting!
Hi Don. Your comments are so spot on as far as what I am trying to do in these paintings that it more than makes up for that frustration. thank you!
There is a beautiful mood to this; one can feel their freedom in flight.
PS - If you ever have any questions you think I might have some idea about as you develop your studio from the slab and drywall stage, don't hestitate to ask!
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