Friday, February 17, 2012

Dusk Sky

Dusk Sky
6 x 12
Available at Panhandle Plains Museum Invitational

Despite being totally obsessed and preoccupied with Lennox Woods at the moment, I've got a couple of small paintings heading out next week to the Panhandle Plains Historical Museum Invitational, which opens on March 3.

This sky was painted from memory, specifically a sky seen while driving from Clarksville to Paris a month or so ago. Here's a detail, which can be clicked on for a larger view.


Christopher Volpe said...

Ahh- wonderful pearlescent grays!

Deborah Paris said...

Thanks Christopher :)

Casey Klahn said...

My compliments. Your skies are tremendous!

Deborah Elmquist said...

You have such a gift for painting a mood that goes beyond just a sky. Bravo!