Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Interview in the Studio & an Upcoming Class

Pine Bark Study

This past month, Allen Phillips filmed an interview in the studio for the Lennox Woods Project. So, click on over and take a look!

I have a few spots left in my Field Sketching for Landscape Painters online class which starts May 25. Here's a description of the class:

Working from Nature and direct observation is the time honored way to learn how to paint landscapes. Unfortunately, many aspiring landscape painters miss the essential first step: learning to draw and sketch in the field. If you are unable to draw the landscape you will have a much more difficult time learning to paint it convincingly. Most classes and workshops jump into plein air painting without giving students any tools to make a success of their efforts. This course is designed to give you the tools to draw and sketch in the field with confidence, both improving your plein air paintings and leading to better, finished work in the studio.

Topics covered will include:

~drawing materials and techniques
~a history of field sketching and study of examples of 19th century field sketches (drawings, watercolors and oils)
~how to do close studies of elements in Nature, value studies and thumbnails sketches
~how to use field sketching to gather reference material for studio work (and eliminating your dependence on the camera!).
~how to use field sketching to aid in working from memory and imagination

Here's the link for information and registration.


Donald Jurney said...

Can there be anything more important?? I can paint inside on a rainy day because I looked and drew when it was fair. On my blog, currently, is the painting I'd begun when the paper towel tried to get away. Today was rainy here, but snug in the studio I was able to bring back to mind what had entranced me originally. The not-yet-finished painting is redolent with that day's sunshine. You might have your students, Deb, look at the field drawings that are on my website, donaldjurney.com . Even fifteen or twenty years later they still yield. I made many hundreds of them. Most important, though, is what I learned about looking while making them. A great workshop idea! Good luck to all.

Deborah Paris said...

Hi Donald. Great suggestion! I have looked at them and they do provide a great example of what this class will be about.